Welcome to the website of Tatoo Techniques – Online Tatoo School by Csaba MÜLLNER.
I am Csaba Müllner, painter and tattoo artist. Thank you for using the online educational services (hereinafter Services) on the website of Tatoo Techniques – Online Tatoo School by Csaba Müllner. You accept the general terms and conditions by using the services. Please, read the general terms and conditions given below carefully.
The Services are provided by Müllner Csaba Korlátolt Felelősségű Társaság (private limited-liabilty company), (head office: 1074 Budapest, Rákóczi út 86, fszt 7, registration number: 01-09-176161) (hereinafter Müllner Csaba Kft.). The contract between you and Müllner Csaba Kft. is concluded according to the regulation on contracts with partners in absence by filling in and sending the application form, paying the full amount of the tuition fee, receiving a confirmation e-mail on the receipt of the application form and the tuition fee. You may use the Services found on the website of www.tattootechniques.com (hereinafter website) for 6 (six) months after you have received the confirmation e-mail.
You may change your mind and abandon your order as long as you are not provided access to the Services by Müllner Csaba Kft. Thereafter cancellation of purchasing the Services shall not be accepted by Müllner Csaba Kft.
You can use the Services on the interface of the website only after logging in. The Services only contain the access to the text format, picture and video educational materials. The Services do not include any further element (such as online help, help via telephone or practical help).
Müllner Csaba Kft. and Csaba Müllner reserve the right to revise and modify, where necessary, the contents of the Services, to remove materials completely or partly or to refuse their publication. You will be informed about any modification given above by Müllner Csaba Kft. on the website.
Only the person who paid the full amount of the tuition fee and concluded the contract with Müllner Csaba Kft. is entitled to use the Services. You are not entitled to assign the contents of the Services either in part or as a whole directly or indirectly, with or without consideration to another person, or provide access thereto. You are not entitled to use the contents of the Services for the purpose of education, for presenting them in lectures or seminars and you are not entitled to upload the contents of the Services to file and video sharing sites or to publish them in any other way. Furthermore you may not misuse the contents of the Services in any other way.
You are notified that the use of the Services can be monitored via software (i.e. personal watermark) from the time when an access to the Services has been provided by Müllner Csaba Kft. These software solutions help Müllner Csaba Kft. to explore possible breaches of contract.
If you become aware of unauthorised use of your password or your access to the Services, please inform Müllner Csaba Kft. thereof without any delay and please, cooperate with us to explore the unauthorised usage.
If you are unable to access the Services due to any technical error attributable to Müllner Csaba Kft, during the period of technical deficiency, the period of your entitlement for using the Services shall not be used up.
Any invention, discovery, development, design, idea, creation, software, technology, procedure, process, technical material, documentation (hereinafter intellectual properties) relating to the Services in any manner are subject to copyright protection, and all or parts of them are the exclusive property of Csaba Müllner and Müllner Csaba Kft. Csaba Müllner inform you that some parts of the intellectual properties are subject to registered patent protection.
You do not acquire any ownership of intellectual property when using the Services or the accessible Contents. By using the Services you are not entitled to use any trade mark, label brand name or emblem relating to the Services.
Müllner Csaba Kft. improves and modifies the Services if necessary. Müllner Csaba Kft. may broaden the Services with new functions or capabilities on the other hand it may suspend or terminate Services.
Müllner Csaba Kft. may suspend the provision of Services if your use of the Services is not in accordance with the general terms and conditions or if a supposed misuse is being examined.
The Services contain theoretical and practical online education exclusively. To learn and to apply properly the online materials for education fall exclusively under your responsibilities. Müllner Csaba Kft. and Csaba Müllner do not assume any responsibility for whether you can learn or apply properly the theoretical and practical online educational materials and the company does not assume any responsibility for the consequences originating from the application of your theoretical and practical knowledge. You apply the theoretical and practical knowledge exclusively on your own responsibility.
Müllner Csaba Kft. does not make any particular promises in connection with the Services, besides the expressed terms and conditions of the present general terms and conditions. Müllner Csaba Kft does not undertake any responsibility for the Services’ contents, functioning, reliability, availability and ability to meet your needs. Müllner Csaba Kft. provides the Services on the basis of the principle “as is.” Müllner Csaba Kft. excludes all forms of warranty to the extent permitted by law.
Müllner Csaba Kft. does not assume any responsibility for lucrum cessans, lost revenue, lost data and for financial loss and does not provide indirect, extraordinary, consequential, pecuniary, non-pecuniary or punitive compensation.
The maximum amount Müllner Csaba Kft. pays for commitments relating to claims that are based on warranties including implied warranties under the present general terms and conditions is the amount you have paid for the Services.
Müllner Csaba Kft. is not responsible in any case for reasonably unforeseeable losses and damages.
Müllner Csaba Kft. draws your attention to the fact that the present general terms and conditions may be subject to modification from time to time. In case of possible modifications we comply with the relevant laws.
Müllner Csaba Kft. kindly requests you to regularly check on the general terms and conditions. Notices on the modification of the general terms and conditions are published on our website.
The possible modifications do not have effect ex tunc and they become effective at least 15 (fifteen) days after the publication. On the other hand modifications on the introduction of new functions or modifications based on legal consideration shall become effective immediately. If you do not agree to the modified general terms and conditions you shall termi- nate the use of the services.
The present general terms and conditions govern the relationship between yourself and Müllner Csaba Kft. The present general terms and conditions do not create any right for third parties.
If any party fails to be compliant with the present general terms and conditions and Müllner Csaba Kft. of Csaba Müllner fails to take immediate appropriate measures following someone’s non-compliance with the general terms and conditions, it does not mean that he has waived his rights.
Hungarian law shall apply to the general terms and conditions should disputes arise there from and in connection therewith and to disputes in connection with the Services. Provided that you or anybody else violates these general terms and conditions, the intellectual property rights of Müllner Csaba Kft. and/or Csaba Müllner, Müllner Csaba Kft. and Csaba Müllner will use all lawful means to protect their rights.
The Müllner Csaba Kft. processes and protects personal data in the course of using the Services in accordance with relevant data protection laws.
The Müllner Csaba Kft. uses your data only for the purpose of registering you on the web- site to enable you to use the Services; for the provision, monitoring, revision and development of the Services; for the fulfilment of every contractual obligation of Müllner Csaba Kft. and for communicating with you in connection with the above as well as when the process of your data is part of procedures relating to contractual obligations and of consumer protection.
Müller Csaba Kft. stores some information about you as long as it is necessary and eligible to serve the attainment of the purpose the data were collected for, as well as until any legal regulations or contracts allow it. Müllner Csaba Kft. does not collect any unnecessary volume of or any unnecessary information or any information which are unsuitable for meeting the aim set before.
Upon your request, Müllner Csaba Kft. will inform you about the data managed by itself and/or the data processed by itself or by the commissioned data controller, and about the source of these data, the purpose, the legal basis, the duration of the data management, about the name, address and data management-related activity of the data processor as well as, in case your personal data are forwarded, about the legal basis and addressee thereof.
Müllner Csaba Kft. does not make your personal data accessible for any third party, exclud- ing the cases when (according to legal regulations) the disclosure of your personal date to other companies, financial institutions or to public bodies is necessary and desirable for purposes of crime prevention and customer protection, and if it is stipulated and permitted by law.
During disclosure of your personal data to third parties Müllner Csaba Kft. is always compliant with the legal regulation on data protection.
According to the data protection regulation you are entitled to request for some information on the management of your personal data any time. Information is given free of charge by Müllner Csaba Kft. within 30 (thirty) days after the submission of the request. If you have any request to us relating to the management of your personal data, Müllner Csaba Kft. asks you to please contact us as written on the website.
You have the right (I) to request information on the management of your personal data, (II) to request the correction, cancellation (excluding the case of compulsory data management) and blocking of your personal data, (III) to protest against the management of your personal data in cases defined in the legal regulations on data protection, (IV) to turn to the competent court or authority if your rights are violated or in other cases defined by law, (V) to demand compensation for damage caused by unlawful data management or by the violation of data security provisions. Müllner Csaba Kft. directs your attention to certain cases, in connection with the data management defined in this information, the data controller may manage your personal data according to Section 6 (5) of Act CXII of 2011 on Informational Self-determination and Freedom of Information. This means that the management of personal data may be necessary for the fulfilment of certain legal obligations of the data controller or for the observation of the legitimate interest of third parties. In these cases personal data may be managed even if you have withdrawn your permission thereto. You may ask for further information from the data controller at his contact points.
It is the obligation of Müllner Csaba Kft. to provide protection for your personal data. Müllner Csaba Kft. has introduced new physical, electronic and administrative procedures for the protection of your personal data from unauthorised access, modification, transmission, publication cancellation or destruction, furthermore from inaccessibility caused by causal destruction, damage or by the modification of the applied technology. Müllner Csaba Kft. pays particular attention to the protection of your personal data from unlawful and unauthorised procedure during data management. Despite all of these measures Müllner Csaba Kft. cannot fully guarantee the security of your data.
Müllner Csaba Kft. provides security for your data by the following means: usage of encoding where possible, password protection where applicable, limitation of the access to information (i.e. only those employees gain access to these data for whom it is important for the attainment of the purposes written above.) Müllner Csaba Kft. requests you to help protecting the information by using nonobvious login name and password, by regular modification of your password. Müllner Csaba Kft. also requests you not to make your password accessible for any other person.
I acknowledge the following personal data stored in the user account of Müllner Csaba Kft. (head office: 1074 Budapest, Rákóczi út 86, fszt 7, registration number: 01-09-176161) in the user database of www.tattootechniques.com will be handed over to OTP Mobil Ltd. and is trusted as data processor. The data transferred by the data controller are the following:
Email address
The nature and purpose of the data processing activity performed by the data processor in the SimplePay Privacy Policy can be found at the following link: http://simplepay.hu/vasarlo-aff
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Accesso illimitato a tutti i materiali didattici attuali e imminenti durante il periodo dell'abbonamento. Le lezioni includono: descrizioni dettagliate e spiegazioni, foto e video senza stacchi della realizzazione dei tatuaggi completati.
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Paga una volta e accedi per sempre all'intera biblioteca e a tutti gli aggiornamenti futuri delle tecniche di tatuaggio, come comprare un libro. ✅
Accesso illimitato a tutti i materiali didattici attuali e imminenti durante il periodo dell'abbonamento. Le lezioni includono: descrizioni dettagliate e spiegazioni, foto e video senza stacchi della realizzazione dei tatuaggi completati.
Metto a disposizione di tutti gli abbonati un diploma personalizzato che potrai scaricare da qui dopo che sono passati almeno 5 mesi dal momento che Ti sei abbonato.