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In this chapter, I'll detail the full list of devices and materials needed for tattooing, including text and diagrams.
In this chapter, we'll go over the various types of tattooing machines, as well as understanding what they're good for and learning to adjust their settings. Includes text, diagrams and videos.
The various types of tattooing needles and their characteristics, including the sizes I use and my recommendations. Includes text and diagrams.
The various types of grips, their materials, and tricks. Includes text, diagrams and videos.
The paints I use and recommend, their characteristics and important related information. Includes text and diagrams.
All materials above and beyond the tattooing equipment, indispensable for work. Includes text and diagrams.
The practical and convenient arrangement of the work space doesn't merely serve our client's and our own comfort, but also allows us to do a better job. Includes text and diagrams.
The right way to assemble various machines. Includes text, diagrams and videos.
The various motives, styles and ideas used for tattooing. This chapter starts orienting the previously learned knowledge in a creative direction. Includes text and diagrams.
Tattoos aren't only beautiful when they're perfectly developed, but when they're in harmony with the body as well. Since everyone has a different body, it's important to first sketch a pattern of the body before we start designing the tattoo.
The orientation, shape and direction of the design are all important factors. All of this is determined by the curvature of the body. Includes text and diagrams.
Preparing the motifs with examples and the help of patterns and curvatures. Includes text, diagrams and videos.
Basic Photoshop skills for preparing designs for those who aren't familiar with the program. Includes text, diagrams and videos.
Various methods of applying the designed patterns on the skin. Includes text, diagrams, and videos.
This is the most important step of creating a tattoo since even the loveliest designs will come to nothing if we infect our client with some disease. Disinfection is a crucial factor. Includes text, diagrams and videos.
Important details to know and follow. Includes text and diagrams.
Now that we're done with the theory, we'll start getting down to work... Includes text, diagrams, and videos.
How to seat our client, for example, if we're working on a tattoo on their side? Various poses in relation to the surfaces to be tattooed. Includes text and diagrams.
Outlining techniques, tip and tricks. Includes text, diagrams, and videos.
The technique of homogenous coloring, tips and tricks. Includes text, diagrams and videos.
Hatching techniques, tips and tricks. Includes text, diagrams, and videos.
In the case of color tattoos, the colors have to be applied in a certain order, which will be reviewed in this theoretical element. Includes text and diagrams.
A difficult part of tattooing..with tricks and important information. Includes text and diagrams
The basics of tattooing, allowing you to learn how to use the machine for perfect outlining and an even cover up. Not just for beginners...Includes text, diagrams, and videos.
Preparing and building up designs with hatching, tricks and tips. Includes text, diagrams, and videos
Steps to build a more complex color pattern. Only for advanced users... Text, images, video
One of the most important part of the theory in this part as the title also shows- it is about general technics used during the tattoo- for example about color mixing or the structure of the model . text, drawings and videos.
What to do once the tattoo is finished.. the first steps of treatment. Includes text, diagrams, and videos.
Tasks related to disinfection and other important information. Includes text and diagrams.
A lovely tattoo is only half based on our knowledge, while the other half relies on the quality of the treatment. Important things to know and inform out clients about. Includes text and diagrams.
A few tricks on how to take good pictures of completed tattoos. Includes text and diagrams
Introductory video on the practical elements of the course.
In this section, we'll prepare a simple tattoo, showing the motions and techniques that are needed to progress. Text and videos on the preparation of the tattoo, without any speed-ups and editing, including step-by-step instructions and materials.
Black-and-white tattooing. Includes text, diagrams and a full video on the process
In this section, we can see without speed-ups and editing how a more complex black-and-white design is structured. Includes text, diagrams, and videos.
Another black-and-white tattoo. Includes text, diagrams, and a full video on the process
In this section, we can follow the complete process of creating a color tattoo without speed-ups and editing, as well as explanations on the various steps. Includes text, diagrams, and videos
In this section, we can follow the complete process of creating a color tattoo without speed-ups and editing, as well as explanations on the various steps. Includes text, diagrams, and videos
In this section, we can follow the complete process of creating a color tattoo without speed-ups and editing, as well as explanations on the various steps. Includes text, diagrams, and videos
In this section, we can follow the complete process of creating a color tattoo without speed-ups and editing, as well as explanations on the various steps. Includes text, diagrams, and videos
In this section, we can follow the complete process of creating a color tattoo without speed-ups and editing, as well as explanations on the various steps. Includes text, diagrams, and videos
In this section, we can follow the complete process of creating a color tattoo without speed-ups and editing, as well as explanations on the various steps. Includes text, diagrams, and videos
In this section, we can follow the complete process of creating a color tattoo without speed-ups and editing, as well as explanations on the various steps. Includes text, diagrams, and videos
In this section, we can follow the complete process of creating a color tattoo without speed-ups and editing, as well as explanations on the various steps. Includes text, diagrams, and videos
In this section, we can follow the complete process of creating a color tattoo without speed-ups and editing, as well as explanations on the various steps. Includes text, diagrams, and videos
In this section, we can follow the complete process of creating a color tattoo without speed-ups and editing, as well as explanations on the various steps. Includes text, diagrams, and videos
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